A VD / STD test is a medical test for the presence of any of a number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Most STD tests are blood tests, and are usually performed after symptoms are detected (disease), but may detect asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections. STD tests may test for a single infection, or consist of a number of individual tests for any of a wide range of STIs, including tests for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis and HIV tests.
No STD procedure tests for all infectious agents, so it is important to be aware what organisms a given test screens for.
STD tests may be used for a number of reasons:
as a diagnostic test for the diagnosis of illness
as a check that prospective long-term sexual partners are free of disease before they engage in sex without safer sex precautions (for example, in fluid bonding, or to attempt to have a baby).
as a check prior to or during pregnancy, to prevent damage to the baby
as a check after birth, to check that the baby has not caught an STI from their mother
to prevent the use of infected donated blood or organs
as part of the process of contact tracing from a known infected individual
as part of mass Epidemiological surveillance
Not all STIs appear right away. In some instances a disease can be carried with no outward symptoms, which leaves a greater risk of passing the disease on to others.

A Venereal disease (VD) a.k.a. sexually transmitted disease (STD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans or animals by means of sexual contact, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex.
Increasingly, the term sexually transmitted infection (STI) is used, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease.
Some STIs can also be transmitted via the needles used in IV drug use, as well as through childbirth or breastfeeding.
Sexually transmitted infections have been well known for hundreds of years.
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